Writing a Custom Cop for RuboCop

I wrote my first custom cop for RuboCop recently and wanted to document it here. There are a lot of really high quality resources on writing custom cops for RuboCop out there. Here are the ones I looked at:

At my current job we're using the excellent Money gem for dealing with money and currency conversion. The gem provides two different ways of initializing a Money object: Money.new(...) and Money.from_cents(...). Both methods take a number of cents and create a Money object, but I strongly prefer Money.from_cents because it's much clearer what kind of argument it is expecting. So my team decided it would be nice to have a RuboCop cop to enforce that we always use Money.from_cents instead of Money.new.

Here's the code for the cop I ended up writing:

module Cops
  class DisallowMoneyNew < RuboCop::Cop::Base
    def_node_matcher :using_money_new?, <<~PATTERN
      (send (const nil? :Money) :new $...)

    def on_send(node)
      return unless using_money_new?(node)

      add_offense(node, message: "Use Money.from_cents instead of Money.new")

Simple enough! There's definitely more RuboCop allows you to do also, like adding code for autocorrect which would probably be pretty straightforward in this case.

I found writing the node matcher and understanding node pattern rules to be the most confusing part of it, but luckily there are a lot of examples out there to go off of. Overall I found the process simple enough that I think writing custom cops like this is totally worth the time. It's a really great way to enforce patterns that your team agrees on beyond just documenting them somewhere and hopoing no one forgets.

One more thing — as part of this I created a pull request to add a new initializer Money.from_dollars to the Money gem. I think it would be a nice complement to the Money.from_cents intiailizer and clearer than the existing Money.from_amount intiailizer. The repo doesn't seem super active these days, but hopefully they accept it!